Menta - Tours agency management
This Windows based application was built for a client to manage, schedule and monitor all the aspects of running a tour agency.
Allowing interaction with client and automatic creation of orders to all the accompanying suppliers of services.
This application was built to simplify a very complicated process of creating tours of different types of clients, using different types of services and needs, including:
- Transportation
- Accommodations
- Security
- Excursions
and more.

Yahalom Software
39 Yefe Nof st,
Atlit, Israel
+972 50 5 830 630
Яалом Софтвер
17 Tsourupy st.
Moscow, Russia
+7 (985) 022 16 28
ალმასის პროგრამული
72 Chavchavadze st.
+995 (595) 594 553
Designed by YAHALOM