Crypto Convertor
Crypto Convertor
Simple mobile application collecting information of 6 leading crypto currencies presented in 28 different Ford currencies, Allow automatic and manual update of each currency.
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Inventory Web - AddPick Form
Inventory Web
Inventory Web
Web based assistant for the Inventory system, Handling various aspects of the Inventory system, including a specific module build to ensure stability of the stock.
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Temperature Monitor
Temperature Monitor
Temperature Monitor for a refrigirators Alerts, Notifies and Collects all information of the temperature. Connected with a dialer, Initiate a phone to alert of extreme condition.
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Israeli IT pros organization
This web-site was built for the Israeli organization of IT pros. A WordPress based web-site with members-only zone, including details of members. A social blog where the members can post their thoughts and tutorials, with a registration form for new members and more.
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Tadmit Digital
Tadmit Digital Web-Site
WordPress web-site built for a client to present the activity of the company, Including Orders center integrated into the web-site. Built with a colourful interface to present works and abilities of the Print-shop.
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Classified Projects
Unfortunately most of this type of projects, built by Yahalom, are strictly confidential and most of the times even the end user of the product does not know exactly what it does. In order to keep our clients and associates best interest, details about such products are not specified.
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IT/Sys Wiki
IT/Sys Wiki
IT/Sys Wiki Web-Site
A wiki web-site for a group of IT pros, developed to allow Brain-Dumps and collection of useful information of the members of the group. proudly hosted by Yahalom
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DJ's Web-Site
DJ's Web-Site
Highly artistic website, fully interactive with sounds and visuals. Designed and built for aDJ specializes in old music. Full of animations, songs samples and wide interaction of the user with the Interface.
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Coming soon.....
Coming Soon.
We are working on more projects, once apprived by the client to be presented , it will appear here
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Coming soon.....
Coming Soon.
We are working on more projects, once apprived by the client to be presented , it will appear here
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Your Idea / Our Mission
Your idea will become your app
Projects are what we do. In Yahalom, requests keep coming, ideas born and dreams constantly fulfilled . Do you have one ? contact us and your app may be here in the future.
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Yahalom Software

4 Rokah st,
K.Motzkin, Israel
+972 50 5 830 630

Яалом Софтвер

17 Tsourupy st.
Moscow, Russia
+7 (985) 022 16 28

ალმასის პროგრამული

72 Chavchavadze st.
+995 (595) 594 553

Designed by YAHALOM